Conflict resolution to maintain valued relationships
No one likes to get sued, and especially not a public entity risk pool by one of its members. However, disputes with members over issues such as policy coverage or a denied claim happen and sometimes escalate to the point where they hire an attorney to assess their options against the Pool. Many pools have dispute resolution and/or arbitration provisions in their bylaws and policies, others do not. In either case Keen Group Consulting may be able help you. We can serve as a non-legal neutral party or help you develop strategies to encourage your members to discuss a problem before taking you to court.
Member Disputes
Keen Group Consulting can help you resolve disputes. If your arbitration provisions call for a neutral third party who is not an attorney and is knowledgeable about insurance and particularly public entity risk pooling, Keen Group Consulting can serve in that capacity. Note, we are not attorneys or licensed mediators.
Policy Development
Courts do not look favorably upon organizations that cannot resolve issues with their constituent members thereby forcing them to seek redress in the courts. Keen Group Consulting can help you evaluate your current bylaws, policies and procedures; and strategize ways for you to resolve disputes with your members to avoid being sued and having a court decide the outcome.