Operations Management

Keep your organization running smoothly

Keen Group Consulting has experienced former leaders of in-house risk pooling operations who can assist your organization with issues regarding programs and/or personnel, for example the sudden departure of a manager, or entrance of a new competitor. We are well versed in strategic vision as well as tactical execution; we can provide interim operational program management and supervision of staff, as well as oversight of vendor partners. 

Best Practices

As former Pool Administrators, Keen Group Consulting knows how to run a Pool and what it takes to do so successfully and effectively.  We can evaluate and assess your program in total or a specific area and suggest parts that could be improved for adherence to industry best practices and maximum optimization of your resources.


Mid-Management Operations Continuity

If your Pool is experiencing a knowledge, skills or personnel gap at the mid-management level, Keen Group Consulting can help you fill the void. Our experienced former Pool Administrators know how to manage staff of all divisions of an organization and contracted business partners. We can keep your programs moving forward and help develop staff to be ready to lead.

For example, this could include situations where your underwriting manager moves on to another opportunity or the director of your health insurance program retires. Keen Group Consulting can help you to maintain member services expectations and keep your renewal cycle on track while we work together to find a permanent solution.


Tactical Execution

Do you have a project or new program idea that you just can’t find the time to tackle? Pool Administrators and League and Association Executive Directors are demanding positions and sometimes we just don’t have the bandwidth to get everything done as fast or as soon as we would like to.  Keen Group Consulting former pool administrators have experience in successfully executing ideas into reality. We can be your outlet and help move the ball down the field on that special project that has been sitting on the back burner for too long.

Communications & Marketing

We can assist in member services and communication strategies to help enhance retention and growth opportunities.

Program Review & Evaluation

Keen Group Consulting can review your programs, processes, and practices for potential cost savings, improvement and efficiency gains.



Keen Group Consulting Operations Management